[AR Upcoming] Bill McKibben - Planet in Peril
To: All Stations/Program Directors
Fr: David Barsamian/via Distribution
Dt: May 9, 2019
Re: Alternative Radio: Bill McKibben
We’ve all seen the images of huge icebergs breaking off the Antarctic ice sheets into the ocean. It’s not just polar bears and penguins who are in danger of losing their habitat. Our “pale blue dot” in the universe as Carl Sagan described Earth, is in peril. The top scientists of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change say we have only until 2030 to “avoid catastrophic environmental breakdown.” Young people see their future fraught with risk. And they are stepping up and speaking out. Sixteen-year-old Greta Thunberg of Sweden began a school strike protesting the lack of urgency in addressing climate chaos. Her action caught on and spread all over the world. New groups of climate activists such as 350.org, Extinction Rebellion and the Sunrise Movement have arisen. They are demanding radical change in business as usual.

Bill McKibben, a renowned eco-activist, is the Schumann Distinguished Scholar in Environmental Studies at Middlebury College. He is the winner of the Gandhi Prize and the Right Livelihood Award. He is the author of The End of Nature, Eaarth andFalter. He is co-founder of 350.org.
Feed Date & Time: Tuesday, May 14, 1400-1459ET
Terms: Free of Charge to All Stations