Constantijn Huygens (September 4, 1596 – March 28, 1687), was a Dutch Golden Age poet and composer. He was secretary to two Princes of Orange:Frederick Henry and William II, and the father of the scientist Christiaan Huygens.
Constantijn Huygens was born in The Hague, the second son of ChristiaanHuygens (senior), secretary of the Council of State, and Susanna Hoefnagel,niece of the Antwerp painter Joris Hoefnagel.
Constantijn was a gifted child in his youth. His brother Maurits and he wereeducated partly by their father and partly by carefully instructed governors. Whenhe was five years old, Constantijn and his brother received their first musicaleducation.
Music education
They started with singing lessons, and they learned their notes using gold coloredbuttons on their jackets. It is striking, that Christiaan senior imparted the 'modern'system of 7 note names to the boys, instead of the traditional, but much morecomplicated hexachord system. Two years later the first lessons on the violstarted, followed by the lute and the harpsichord. Constantijn showed a particularacumen for the lute. At the age of eleven he was already asked to play forensembles, and later — during his diplomatic travels — his lute playing was indemand; he was asked to play at the Danish Court and for James I of England,although they were not known for their musical abilities.
Art instruction
They were also schooled in art through their parents art collection, but also their connection to the magnificent collection of paintings in theAntwerp house of diamond and jewellery dealer, Gaspar Duarte (1584–1653), who was a Portuguese Jewish exile.
Language lessons
Constantijn also had a talent for languages. He learned French, Latin and Greek, and at a later age Italian and English. He learned bypractice, the modern way of learning techniques. Constantijn received education in maths, law and logic and he learned how to handle a pikeand a musket.
In 1614 Constantijn wrote his first Dutch poem, inspired by the French poet Guillaume de Salluste Du Bartas, in which he praises rural life. Inhis early 20s, he fell in love with Dorothea, however their relationship did not last and Dorothea met someone else. In 1616, Maurits andConstantijn started studies at Leiden University. Studying in Leiden was primarily seen as a way to build a social network. Shortly after,Maurits was called home to assist his father. Constantijn finished his studies in 1617 and returned home. This was followed by six weeks oftraining with Antonis de Hubert, a lawyer in Zierikzee. De Hubert was committed to the study of language and writing, having heldconsultations with Pieter Corneliszoon Hooft, Laurens Reael and Joost van den Vondel concerning language and orthography in 1623.
Early career
In the Spring of 1618 Constantijn found employment with Sir Dudley Carleton, the English envoy at the Court in The Hague. In the summer,he stayed in London in the house of the Dutch ambassador, Noël de Caron. During his time in London his social circle widened and he alsolearned to speak English. In 1620, towards the end of the Twelve Years' Truce, he travelled as a secretary of ambassador François van Aerssen to Venice, to gain support against the threat of renewed war. He was the only member of the legation who could speak Italian. InJanuary 1621 he traveled to England as the secretary of six envoys of the United Provinces with the object of persuading James I to supportthe German Protestant Union, returning in April of that year. In December 1621 he left with another delegation, this time with the aim ofrequesting support for the United Provinces, returning after a year and two months in February 1623. There was yet another trip to England in1624.
He is often considered a member of what is known as the Muiderkring, a group of leading intellectuals gathered around the poet Pieter Corneliszoon Hooft, who met regularly at the castle of Muiden near Amsterdam. In 1619 Constantijn came into contact with Anna RoemersVisscher and with Pieter Corneliszoon Hooft. Huygens exchanged many poems with Anna. In 1621 a poetic exchange with Hooft also starts.Both would always try to exceed the other. In October of that year Huygens sent Jacob Cats a large poem in Dutch, entitled 't Voorhout, abouta woodland near the Hague. In December he started writing 't Kostelick Mal, a satirical treatment of the nonsense of the current vogue. In 1623Huygens wrote his Printen, a description of several characteristics of people. This satirical, moralising work was one of the most difficult ofHuygens' poems. In the same year Maria Tesselschade and Allard Crombalch were married. For this occasion verses were written byHuygens, Hooft and Vondel. During the festival, Constantijn flirted with Machteld of Camps. As a result of this he wrote the poem Vier enVlam. In 1625 the work Otia, or Ledige Uren, was published. This work showcased his collected poems.
English knighthood and marriage
In 1622, when Constantijn stayed as a diplomat for more than one year in England, he was knighted by King James I. This marked the end ofConstantijn's formative years, and of his youth. Huygens was employed as a secretary to Frederick Henry, Prince of Orange, who — afterthe death of Maurits of Orange — was appointed as stadtholder. In 1626 Constantijn fell in love with Suzanna van Baerle. Earlier courtshipby the Huygens family to win her for Maurits had failed. Constantijn wrote several sonnets for her, in which he calls her Sterre (Star). They wedon 6 April 1627.
Huygens describes their marriage in Dagh-werck, a description of one day. He worked on thispiece, which contains almost 2000 lines, during the entire time they were married.
The couple had five children: in 1628 their first son, Constantijn Jr., in 1629 Christiaan, in 1631Lodewijk and in 1633 Philips. In 1637 their daughter Suzanna was born; shortly after her birththeir mother died.
Later career and French knighthood
Huygens started a successful career despite his grief over the death of his wife (1638). In 1630he was appointed to the Council and Exchequer, managing the estate of the Orange family.This job provided him with an income of about 1000 florins a year. In that same year he boughtthe estate Zuilichem and became known as Lord of Zuilichem. In 1632 Louis XIII of France,the protector of the famous exiled jurist Hugo Grotius, appointed him as knight in the Order ofSaint-Michel. In 1643 Huygens was granted the honor of displaying a golden lily on a blue fieldin his coat of arms.
In 1634 Huygens received from Prince Frederick Henry a piece of property in The Hague on thenorth side of the Binnenhof. The land was near the property of a good friend of Huygens,Count Johan Maurits of Nassau-Siegen, who built his house, the Mauritshuis, around the sametime.
Aside from his membership in the Muiderkring (which was not as formerly supposed, an official club), at the start of the 1630s he was also intouch with René Descartes, with Rembrandt, and the painter Jan Lievens. He became friends with John Donne, and translated his poemsinto Dutch. He was unable to write poetry for months because of his anguish over his wife's death, but eventually he composed, inspired byPetrarch, the sonnet Op de dood van Sterre (On the death of Sterre), which was well received. He added the poem to his Dagh-werck, whichhe left unfinished: the day he has described has not ended yet, but his Sterre is already dead. After sending the unfinished work to differentfriends for approval, he eventually published it in 1658 as part of his Koren-bloemen.
After a couple of years as a widower, Huygens bought a piece of land in Voorburg andcommissioned the building of Hofwijck. Hofwijck was inaugurated in 1642 in the company offriends and relatives. Here Huygens hoped to escape the stress at court in The Hague, forminghis own 'court', indicated by the name of the house which has a double meaning: Hof (=Court orcourtyard) Wijck (=avoid or township). In that same year, his brother Maurits died. Due to hisgrief Huygens wrote little Dutch poetry, but he continued to write epigrams in Latin. Shortlyafterwards, he began writing Dutch pun poems, which are very playful by nature. In 1644 and1645 Huygens began more serious work. As a new year's present for Leonore Hellemans, hecomposed the Heilige Daghen, a series of sonnets on the Christian holidays. In 1647 hepublished another work, in which play and seriousness are united, Ooghentroost, addressed toLucretia of Trello, who was losing her sight and who was already half-blind. The poem wasoffered as consolation.
From 1650 to 1652 Huygens wrote the poem Hofwijck in which he described the joys of livingoutside the city. It is thought that Huygens wrote his poetry as a testament to himself, amemento mori, because Huygens lost so many dear friends and family during this time: Hooft(1647), Barlaeus (1648), Maria Tesschelschade (1649) and Descartes (1650).
Education of his sons and the new royal Prince
In 1645, his sons Constantijn Jr. and Christiaan began their studies in Leiden. In these yearsPrince Frederick Henry of Orange, Huygens' confidante and protector, became increasingly ill,and died in 1647. The new stadtholder, William II of Orange, greatly appreciated Huygens andgave him the estate of Zeelhem, but he died too in 1650.
The emphasis of Huygens' activities moved more and more to his presidency of the Council of the house of Orange, which was in the hands ofthe young Prince inheritor, a small baby. He traveled frequently during that time, in connection with his work. There were however strongdisagreements between the baby's widowed mother in law Amalia van Solms, and widow daughter in law Mary, Princess Royal, (4 November1631 – 24 December 1660, aged 29) on even the name for christening the Dutch-English Royal newborn.
The Orange Order flag, also known as theBoyne Standard, consisting of an orangebackground with a St George's Cross and apurple star which was the symbol ofWilliamite forces. The late political career ofConstantijn Huygens consisted in nurturingorphaned Dutch-English Prince William III,an orphan of both father and mother sinceaged 11, to become an acclaimed Protestantstadtholder in Holland and then a King inEngland.
In 1657, his son Philips died after a short sickness during his Grand Tour while in Prussia. Inthat same year Huygens became seriously ill, but healed in a miraculous manner.
In 1680 Constantijn Jr. moved with his family out of the house of his father. To stop thegossiping which started shortly afterwards, Huygens write the poem Cluijs-werck, in which heshows a glimpse of the latter stages of his life.
He still tried to find time to publish more of his work. In 1647 a number of Huygens' musicalcreations, Pathodia sacra et profana, was published in Paris. It contained some compositionsin Latin on the words of psalms in French, and Italian amorous worldly texts. The work wasdedicated to the pretty niece, Utricia Ogle, of an English diplomat.
In 1648 Huygens wrote Twee ongepaerde handen for a harpsichord. This work was connectedwith Marietje Casembroot, a twenty-five-year-old harpsichord player, with whom he could sharehis love for music.
In 1657 the collected work of his Dutch poems, the Koren-bloemen appears. Some of itscontents contain: Heilighe Daghen (1645), Ooghen-troost (1647), Hofwijck (1653) and TrijntjeCornelis (1653). This last work, Trijntje Cornelis, is an explosion of Huygens' creativity. Ittestifies to the rare language - and expressive capacity - of the author. Considering that thepiece was written in a rather short time, it can be considered work of an enormous performance.Since his mother Suzanna was from Antwerp, he visited there often and Trijntje Cornelis takesplace in Antwerp.
In 1660 his daughter Suzanna married her cousin, Philips Doublet, son of Huygens' sister Geertruijd. In 1661, a grandfather by now, Huygenswas sent to France by the circle of tutors of William III, to recover possession of the county of Orange. The county was returned to the familyof Orange-Nassau in 1665 and Huygens returned to the Netherlands.
On his return, Huygens designed the new sand road in The Hague, running through the dunes toScheveningen. He had already planned this road in 1653, and wrote about it in his work theZee-straet. The road was made according to Huygens' design.
In 1676 the second edition of the Koren-bloemen appeared, a collected work containing 27books. New in this edition were the Zee-straet, the Mengelingh (a section of serious poemswritten after 1657) and seven books with snel-dichten (quick poems). As he was older now,Huygens found refuge in music. He wrote around 769 compositions during his lifetime.
Constantijn Huygens died in The Hague on Good Friday, March 28, 1687 at the age of 90. Aweek later he was buried in the Grote Kerk in the Hague, together with his son, the famousscientist Christiaan Huygens.